In the framework of cooperation between
the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) and the Ministry of economic
development and trade of Ukraine (MEDT) based on the Protocol of Intent between
the MEDT and the SSM, the Scientific and Technical Center on the export and
import of special technologies, hardware and materials has published a training
manual “Export control in the international security system”.
The training manual covers
international and national export control regimes with their role and place in
the international security system, international legal mechanisms and
contractual framework of the current national and international export control
The manual has been
created for the students of universities of
Project leader: Siver A.I., Director of
the Scientific and
the export and import of special technologies,
hardware and materials
Writing team:
Galaka S.P. (Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor)
Grishutkin A.M. (Associate of economic sciences,
honored worker of
industry of
Kondratov S.I. (senior research
associate at the National Institute of Strategic
Perepelytsya G.M. (Doctor of Political
Sciences, Professor)
Literary advisors:
Leschenko L.O. (Doctor of Historical
Sciences, Professor at the Diplomatic
Vorobiov V.P. (Candidate of Juridical
Sciences, Deputy Director of the
Manzhola V.A. (Doctor of
Historical Sciences, Professor at the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, head of
international relations and foreign policy department at the Institute of
International Relations at the Kyiv National Taras
Shevchenko University)
Copyright owners:
-Swedish Radiation Safety
Authority (SSM),
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of economic
development and trade of
- State Service for Export
Control of
- Scientific and Technical
Center on the export and import of special technologies, hardware and
On September 25,
At the presentation
the speeches were given by:
Kostayntyn Subbotin, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Sarmite Andersson, Swedish Radiation Safety Authority,
Alexander Siver, STC on the
export and import,
Alexander Grishutkin, Editor
in chief of the manual,
Serhiy Shevchuk, Ministry of economic development and trade of
Serhiy Galaka,
Olesya Stolyar,
The speakers
described the background of creating the manual, the writing process and highlighted
that this manual is the first and exclusive training material on the issues of
export control in
Ukrainian part
expressed gratitude to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority in the name of
Lars van Dassen and Sarmite
Andersson for their support and assistance in
creating this training manual.
The speakers wished
success to the students of the Institute in their studies and expressed hope
that this manual will be useful not only in their studies but also in their
further professional careers.