Export Control Handbook
Ukrainian Export Control Handbook: practical questions for exporters.
The publication of the Ukrainian Export Control Handbook has been funded by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) to provide informational basis for raising professionalism and awareness on export controls for industry, governmental officials of the relevant central bodies of executive branch. A special feature of this Handbook is that its materials are based on practical activities combined with a scientific approach. The aim of this publication is to provide better understanding of current practical aspects of the Ukrainian export control procedures and to provide a methodological tool in carrying-out international transfers of controlled goods.
Project manager: Siver A.I.
Editor in chief: Lazarenko Y.G.
Writing team: Grytsai E.O. Mats’ko N.V., Dmitrenko A.M., Checheyuk L.V., Lazarenko Y.G., Vybornova Y.O.