Export Control Guidebook

   Ukrainian Export Control Guidebook was created in 2019 to provide Ukrainian trade actors with practical references, recommendations and advices on export control issues. The Guidebook contains a detailed elucidations of the current normative legal acts with a link to the latest legislative changes, clear instructions as to how to fill the required documents and a step-by-step methodology for carrying out international transfers of goods, that in its turn will contribute to raising awareness about recent developments, trends and processes occurring in this field. The Guidebook serves as a practical tool for the entities of foreign trade while fulfilling international transfers of controlled goods. Materials of the Guidebook will facilitate the work of domestic enterprises, businesses and intermediaries (brokers) in the field of export control. Practical recommendations, blank forms, documents and illustrative examples from the work of SSECU and customs bodies of Ukraine will assist business entities and speed up licensing procedures in the field of export control.

   The project was made possible through the financing of the Science and Technology Center of Ukraine (STCU) and the support of the State Export Control Service of Ukraine.
   You can access the publication at the following link: www.exportcontrol.in.ua
















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